ARTcycle Inc ride the Creative Trails Midjuburi art trail for the Inner West Council and Bicycle New South Wales. The total ride time will be approximately four hours.
Starting at Dulwich Hill we tour the Inner West artist haunts, using bicycles and sustainable, human power. We traverse Marrickville, Sydenham and St Peters creating modern song lines with our kinaesthetic motion as we dance on the pedals.
Meet: 12 pm noon at Seaview St Gallery. Nearest stations Lewisham or Dulwich Hill, see map for advisory routes to gallery.
Bring: Bike in working order, helmet, phone, cash, spares and repairs, dress to the weather.
Cost: Free, booking essential via RSVP on the ARTcycle Meetup page Creative Trails – Midjuburi 2022, Sat, Aug 13, 2022, 12:00 PM | Meetup. Numbers limited. Waitlist available.
Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8hBAsp6JHZNr_LthIG3NPfOTo4ZCb8&usp=sharing. We are stopping at the teal icons and passing by the purple.
We practice gracious cycling.
We ride to the conditions and the map is advisory.
COVID-19 safety measures – Mask recommended for gallery visits, social distancing at all times.