Saturday 12 August, 12 – 4pm. Mount your bicycles and glide between creative spaces as ARTcycle takes you on a human powered adventure.
(Image credit: https://resources.austplants.com.au/plant/acmena-smithii/)
Where: South side of St Peters Train Station.
When: Sat 12 August, 11:45 am for 12:00 sharp departure.
Bring: Bicycle in good order, spares, water, money, mobile phone. Dress to the weather. Helmet is compulsory.
Cost: RSVP essential via MeetUp (https://www.meetup.com/artcycle-sydney/events/294736433/) Members free, see website for details (https:www.artcyclesydney.org). Temporary membership $10 per event. Converted to full membership after three fee paying rides/events in one financial year.
Map: soon.