ARTcycle Inc. Membership.

How much?

Membership $1 joining fee, $20 annual subscription.

How long?

Membership is from 1 July to 30 June the following year.

Why do I need it?

Membership is required to participate in ARTcycle events. We operate as an incorporated not for profit club first and foremost. Free temporary trial membership is available but after attending three events you will be expected to become a paid up member. Members receive discounts on rides and events and are eligible for competitions, prizes and special offers.

Why full or temporary?

Full membership allows you to vote in meetings and participate at the executive level, plus discounts and freebies. Temporary means you get to hang out and have fun. Remember you must be nominated and seconded by existing ARTcycle members. This ensures we only let the riff raff in.

Cancelling membership

Membership can only be cancelled in writing. Like all clubs we continue to collect dues annually. Benefits such as discounts and voting will be withheld until membership dues are collected. It’s only fair.

Membership form and Constitution

Download and print
ARTcycle Inc. membership application form

Scan and send a completed pdf form to,  or

ARTcycle Inc Constitution revised 2012


If you are an existing or new member paying your fee could not be easier.
Electronic transfer is painless and immediate through our Australian Mutual Bank account.
BSB: 611-100
AC: 100-267-998
In the notification window: [YourName]+[new/renew]+[year ending].
An email receipt will be issued on request.


ARTcycle not-for-profit incorporated association.
Donations gratefully appreciated but not tax deductable. To make a donation see BSB details above.

BNSW Membership

Membership of Bicycle NSW opens up a world of benefits and experiences for bicycle users all over NSW. The insurance and member discounts alone are worth several times the cost of membership, but this is only the beginning of what membership offers.

Bicycle NSW members gain access to information, events and programs that are delivered by Bicycle NSW and our partners. This includes bicycle tours of country regions, massive rides across the Sydney Harbour Bridge main deck and the camaraderie of sharing a new riding experience with a group of like-minded people. But even this is not the total value of membership.

The value of Bicycle NSW membership is in the contribution members make to the work we do to create a better environment for cycling. This contribution helps us to deliver a range of initiatives including events, courses, and a range of advocacy work.

NB Paid up members of ARTcycle Inc will receive a discount for BNSW membership. Contact us for more information.